United States History 6th Grade

Welcome Students & Parents!


Course Description:

United States History is a survey of important events in American history from the earliest discovery of the Americas to the American Civil War through modern times. Students will study major events and people that have shaped the United States as we know it today.

Standards and Expectations:

Students are expected to conduct thhemselves in a appropriate manner at ALL times.

  • Students should be respectful to the teacher, peers and themselves.
  • Students should manage behavior and accept responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
  • Disruptive and disrespectful behavior WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

Students are expected to work hard at ALL times.

  • Students are to complete assignments on time.
  • Students are to take pride in their work and put forth 100% effort.

Students are expected to pay close attention to instructions.

  • Students should stay focused during readings/ discussions.
  • Students should not talk while the teacher or others are reading or talking.

Students are expected to succeed.

  • Students have complete control over their academic success.
  • Students that need additional help should be proactive in asking the teacher for help.
  • Students that work hard , attend class regulary, complete assignments on time and participate in classroom activities and discussion WILL succeed.

Focus Wall!



Essential Questions:

Monthly Projects!